Therapeutic Family Care has three programs; Therapeutic Foster Home, Clinical Service Support and Mixed Modality Programs. Please click on a link below to learn more about each program.
Children and families are supported through services delivered by specially trained treatment foster parents referred to as Parent Therapists. The child lives in a community with the Parent Therapist family. Permanency for ...
LEARN MORE ABOUT Therapeutic Foster Home Program (TFHP)CSSP began operation on April 1, 2004 and currently provides services for 33 cases on approximately a 6-month basis (for a total of 66 cases per year). Mission Statement CSSP is dedicated to the ...
LEARN MORE ABOUT Clinical Support Service Program (CSSP)The Mixed Modality Program began operation on May 1, 2009. Mixed Modality can be best defined as a bridge between traditional TFC programs and staff modeled settings. Mixed Modality is seen as having the treatment ...
LEARN MORE ABOUT Mixed Modality Program (MMP)