Kawartha Haliburton CAS

Therapeutic Foster Home Program (TFHP)

Children and families are supported through services delivered by specially trained treatment foster parents referred to as Parent Therapists. The child lives in a community with the Parent Therapist family. Permanency for child is prime objective. A multi-disciplinary team wraps around family.

Mission Statement

To achieve a secure family environment and community for every child and youth who is part of the Therapeutic Family Care Program we are committed to:

  • Supporting the child and the care giving family by providing therapeutic interactions that are part of the child’s everyday experience.
  • Including everyone, the child, the family and the community, in the child’s life when making decisions.
  • Continually sharing information, learning and support with all individuals and groups who work together on behalf of the child.
  • Remembering that the work we do today is intended to help the child grow into adulthood.
  • Making sure that our work is always being evaluated and improved.

Guiding Principles

  • In all cases permanency and building life long connections are the ultimate goals.
  • Every child should be included in decisions affecting their lives.
  • The child’s permanency plan informs assessment and treatment/goal planning in order to effect purposeful change.
  • Services focus on solutions, being respectful of the strengths, capacities, and courage of those working to change.
  • Therapeutic interventions are broad based involving school, community and home.
  • Whenever possible, working in partnership with the child’s own family, to effect change.
  • Change is effected through life space learning and therapeutic interventions that primarily take place in the child’s daily living space. Additional services may be added to support the child.
  • Each family is entitled to continuity of service and an individualized response.
  • Behaviour management techniques are used to stabilize the child and promote pro-social skills. The child’s behaviour is seen as a form of communication from the child to the adult about the child’s needs.
  • Collaborative teamwork allows for accountability to each other for service excellence.


Kawartha Haliburton CAS

Therapeutic Foster Home Program (TFHP)

LEARN MORE ABOUT Therapeutic Foster Home Program (TFHP)

Clinical Support Service Program (CSSP)

LEARN MORE ABOUT Clinical Support Service Program (CSSP)

Updates from Therapeutic Family Care


Training Calendar Fall 2022 and Winter 2023