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Supporting Children and Youth Involved with the Kawartha Haliburton Children's Aid Society

Testimonials from Former KHCAS Youth In Care

A photo of Meaghan next to her testimonials. The text reads: My name is Meaghan and I would like to share my story. Age 13: I grew up in a single parent household with an alcoholic mother. My environment was unsafe, and filled with physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. I realized that my life was not normal and at 13 I reached out to the K-H Children's Aid Society on my own to talk to someone for help. From there I gained the courage to stand up against the abuse and two days before my 15th birthday I ran from home and entered foster care. Age 16: I became a Crown Ward. I was very fortunate to find a good foster home, but it came with a lot of adjustments. Having someone do my laundry for me, eating three healthy meals a day, having the electricity stay on, a bed to sleep in was so new to me. My dark times soon became a whole lot brighter when the Foundation started to assist me with extracurricular activities such as horseback riding and field trips. The best thing they helped me with was getting braces, as my teeth were in bad shape and now I have a great smile! They also made it possible for me to attend my prom in a beautiful new dress which was an experience I had never imagined. The Foundation made my dream of going to college a reality by helping with my expenses. All of those experiences were made possible with their support and the generous community donations for which I am grateful. Age 31: I am now a Community Outreach Manager for a member of parliament, a Rotarian and I co-facilitated Me to We and have worked with local youth in the community and volunteered with many local community organizations. I am so grateful for all the support the Foundation gave me. I encourage you to donate to the Foundation to help other children experience the positive activities that I enjoyed. Her testimony ends here and at the bottom of the image are the words We encourage you to become a champion of children today.


Chance’s Thank You.

A photo of Chance facing the camera and smiling.My name is Chance, and I was placed into extended care with the Kawartha-Haliburton  Children’s Aid Society.
I grew up in a single parent home.  My mother was an alcoholic, so I was raised mostly by my other family members.  We moved a few times a year and I was never in school long enough to make any really friends or to really be educated.  Being one of 13 children, I often slipped through the cracks.  At a very young age I had experienced drugs, robbery and other criminal activity.
When I was 9, I was put in foster care and made a crown ward.  This was a game changer for me.  I was placed with an amazing foster family who were generous, caring, and kind.  They loved me and invested in me with their time, money, and emotions.
My worker supported me and had my best interests in mind, and the Foundation made it possible for me to take part in sports, school trips, educational courses, summer camp and independent living, for which I am truly grateful.  I thank the Foundation and the donors for all that they did for me.
While completing a School of Biblical Studies program, I met my wife Mary Austin.  We were married in 2012 and moved back to Peterborough.  We are happily married with our first son, and another one on the way.  I run a photography business.  I am now working on my degree part-time at Toronto Baptist Seminary.  I encourage helping and supporting crown wards, like me, as it makes such a difference in our lives.


Valerie Says Thank You.

A photo of Valerie facing the camera and smiling.My name is Valerie, and I was placed into extended care with the Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society.

I would like to thank KHCF for recognizing the financial difficulties I was having, as I did not have support from my family.  KHCF has provided me with a college bursary each year to help with my school expenses.

Words cannot express how thankful I am for their assistance.  I am also touched at how positive and encouraging they are about my future.  I am proud to say that I currently have a GPA of 3.5 in the Social Service Worker Program at Sir Sandford Fleming College.

I thank the Foundation for helping me become a Champion!



Venson Thanks the Foundation.

A photo of Venson facing the camera and smiling.

My name is Venson, and I was placed into extended care with the Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society.

I have met many marvelous people throughout my life within the system. Because of my Foster family and the Foundation I was encouraged to take the leap and go to college.

I have been living on my own for 3 years; and I am doing well! I am attending Trillium College and taking Video Game Design.

I realize now just how big of a help the Foundation is because they give me assistance with my school expenses and tuition. The biggest help is that they have helped give me the confidence to succeed.

Andrew tells his Story 
A photo of Andrew facing the camera and smiling.
My name is Andrew, and I was placed into extended care with the KHCAS.  I was born three months early in 1991 at Toronto Sick Children’s Hospital.  Due to my premature delivery I was born with Cerebral Palsy and hip dysplasia.
When I was 5,  I had to have an operation on my legs so I could walk.  This was extremely stressful on my parents and created turmoil at home.  It was then that the CAS and the Foundation came to the rescue.
The Foundation has provided so many opportunities, such as sending me to summer camp and helping me with finances to allow me to live independently.  They have also helped me advance with my education with financial support for my college and school supplies.
I am so proud of where I am today.  I went from the doctors saying that I would never walk or talk and today I am so happy that I proved them wrong.
I thank God every single day of my life for what I have and who I am and I thank the Foundation for helping me achieve my dreams and goals in life.
A photo of Katie next to her testimonials. The text beside her says: I am Katie. I was cared for by the Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society and I would like to share my story with you. Age 9: At the age of nine, KHCAS removed me from a life that included drugs, alcohol, neglect and abuse. We had no food, no home and no money. I was moved to my Aunt's house and I met Jo-Ann, a worker from the Society. She believed in me, pushed me and stood up for me. She saw a little girl ready to shine and she fought to help make my dreams come true. She is still by my side today. Age 10: The Foundation made it possible for me to attend summer camp which I really loved! I also started taking dance lessons which were paid for by the Foundation. The Foundation Board members nick-named me "Hip Hop Katie". Dance would become a passion of mine for life. Age 25: I am happy and I have gained confidence and trust through my journey. I have two beautiful little girls who remind me every day that history does not have to repeat itself. I am in my final year at Fleming College in the field of addictions. I also am managing a full-time management position with Apple and teaching dance with the City of Peterborough. I am so grateful to the Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society and the Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Foundation for everything they have done for me over my lifetime. But it is the people behind the Foundation, the donors, who provide the light at the end of our seemingly never-ending tunnels. They are my champions and I invite you to become a champion too. Her testimonial ends here, and the text below it says We encourage you to become a champion of children today!

A blue button labelled with the words DONATE NOW next to a yellow stick figure, linking to the foundation's donation page.

Updates from Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Foundation

Come Work With Us! We are Hiring a Fundraising and Events Coordinator

Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Foundation is Seeking a New Fundraising and Events Coordinator Are you looking for a way to make a difference by supporting children, ...

Send a Kid to Camp AXE-travaganza 2024

An evening of friendly axe throwing competition to help enrich the lives of children in our community. Peterborough, ON – (March 4th, 2024) The ...

Seeking New Board Members

Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Foundation is Seeking New Board Members: Are you looking for a way to make a difference by supporting in-need children, youth and ...

2023 Santa's Sleigh Launches

Help put smiles on the faces of children in your community this holiday season!  Peterborough, ON – (Nov 23, 2023) The Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Foundation ...