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2015 Clark Awards

Support from Clark Awards Assists Youth in Pursuing their Educational Goals

What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul. – Joseph Addison

Perhaps no two people understand the meaning of that quote better than Ron and Nancy Clark. They have been supporting the educational aspirations of youth in the care of Children’s Aid Societies, as well as former wards of a CAS, for over 25 years through their bursary and grant awards. The Clark Bursary award provides recipients who are attending post-secondary education with $3,500 per year for up to four years and the Clark Grant is a one-time award of $1,000. This year’s awards banquet, which was hosted by Mr. & Mrs. Clark and the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, took place on June 1st in Toronto.

The Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society (KHCAS) is pleased to announce that Juliana, a youth formerly in the care of the Society was awarded a Clark Bursary at the event. Juliana completed her high school education and maintained an impressive average of over 80%. She is a young lady with many hopes and dreams. Juliana has a supportive family, strong faith and sense of community which have helped her to overcome many of the challenges she faced in her early years. She has prepared for university and is ready to begin fulfilling her life’s dreams.

Congratulations also go to Brandon, a young man in the care of KHCAS, who was the recipient of a one-time Clark Grant award valued at $1,000. This award is offered to young people who are pursuing education, employment or skills development programs and who require financial assistance. Brandon graduates this June and will be attending Georgian College in September for Firefighting. He is currently doing a co-op placement at the Kawartha Lakes Fire Service and is working to save for his college expenses. Brandon has been an active member within his community and school and he hopes to remain involved in sports at Georgian College.

Highland Shores Children’s Aid is also celebrating the achievements of three Clark Bursary recipients, Jaime, Lisa and Anthony.

Jaime, who was formerly in the care of HSCA, attends the Biotechnology-Advanced program at Algonquin College. Her career goal is to become a Biotechnologist in Genetics. She also wishes to become a foster parent as she has a desire to give back and ensure children in the care of a CAS have a positive experience. Jaime was the first youth representative on the Development and Advocacy Committee to the Board of Directors for the former Hastings Children’s Aid Society. She is determined and focused and will undoubtedly achieve the goals she has set for herself.

Lisa, a former Clark Grant award winner, finished her Bachelor of Science degree at Nippising University and will be attending Algonquin College in September in the Veterinarian Technician program. Lisa’s dream has always been to work in the medical field and with her graduation this year from university; she continues to work towards fulfilling her dream. She is extremely happy to have been chosen to receive the Clark Bursary.

Anthony is currently in his third year of a four-year degree in Cognitive Science, with a Minor in Information Technology, at York University. While keeping an open mind as to what he would like to do with his degree once he receives it, Anthony is developing a passion for working with people, and is currently on numerous University committees, including being Director of Finance at the University’s Law and Society Student’s Association. He is also a Porter at his University residence, where he assists other students with numerous issues. Anthony has spoken with passion about assisting other youth in care, undergraduates and the less fortunate.

A youth formerly in the care of Highland Shores is also being celebrated as a Clark Grant award winner. Nick, who is supported by HSCA but now lives independently, attends the Accounting program at Loyalist College as becoming an accountant has been a long-time goal for him. Nick is a past member of the Youth Advisory Committee to the Highland Shores Board of Directors. As a member of the Committee, he provided tremendous insight and was able to develop valuable leadership skills.

Jennifer Wilson, Executive Director for the Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society and Mark Kartusch, Executive Director for Highland Shores Children’s Aid wished all of the award winners much success with their chosen career paths and expressed the pride felt by the staff of both Societies on the wonderful achievements of these young people.

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