If you have concerns about a child please call 705.743.9751 or 1.800.661.2843
Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society understands that systemic oppression and inequity continues to lead to the over-representation of racialized and marginalized populations within the child welfare system. We are working hard to develop and recommend strategies to build agency capacity and advocate for the inclusion of equity and anti-oppression principles in both policies and practice. We have a vision for an equitable organization where everyone receives supports and services in a manner that respects their culture, identity, rights and needs. We are on a mission to engage the agency and our community in meaningful conversation; identifying and dismantling inequity and oppressive structures, practices and processes.
Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society recognizes the disparity and disproportionalities experienced by Black Canadians after coming into contact with the child welfare system. In 2016 the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) examined the ...
LEARN MORE ABOUT Anti-Black RacismKawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society is proud to announce their participation in the 2019 Peterborough Pride Parade at Millennium Park and will continue to advance its support to the 2SLGBTQ+ community by participating ...
LEARN MORE ABOUT 2SLGBTQ+Collect and analyze data relating to race, ethnicity, and indigeneity to better understand the families we are servicing. Promote an increased awareness and understanding about issues of inequity and oppression. Create a ...
LEARN MORE ABOUT Our Equity PrinciplesIn the Fall of 2019, KHCAS launched an equity council, made up of staff across the organization working together to advance our equity practices. The Equity Council acts as an advisory body ...
LEARN MORE ABOUT Internal, Regional, and Sector InitiativesReceiving services in French is a legislated right of French-speaking children, youth, and families guaranteed by the French Language Services Act, 1990, and the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017. Receiving ...
LEARN MORE ABOUT French Language ServicesBEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective). Please click on the above hyperlink to access BEAM’s website. The site is about mental health/wellness tools that racialized children, youth and families can utilize. ...
LEARN MORE ABOUT Equity Resources