On Wednesday, October 24, 2018, communities across Ontario will DRESS PURPLE to show their commitment to children’s rights to safety and well-being. On Dress Purple Day we acknowledge that it takes a village to keep kids safe. Everybody in the community plays a role in supporting children’s rights.
On Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 11am, join KHCAS Executive Director Jennifer Wilson, the KHCAS Dress Purple Committee and City of Peterborough Mayor Daryl Bennett as they raise a Purple Flag at Peterborough City Hall (500 George Street North, Peterborough).
Throughout the month of October, KHCAS has celebrated and promoted Dress Purple Day through a series of events including engagement with all local school boards & day care centres; a community engagement in Haliburton on October 25; and an active social media campaign including support from Michele Ferrari.
The public can support the Dress Purple Day Campaign by:
- Participating in social media. This year, the Hashtag is #IBREAKtheSilence.
- Putting up one of the Dress Purple Day posters (oacas.org) in your workplace.
- Using the web banner (oacas.org) for your workplace website.
- Create Dress Purple Day e-signatures
- Dress Purple on Tuesday, October 24 and encourage your workplace to support Dress Purple Day.
- Learn more about the signs of child abuse or neglect and how to report concerns by visiting khcas.on.ca or www.oacas.org
Share your DRESS PURPLE DAY photos on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook using the hashtags: #IBREAKtheSilence #JEBRISElesilence
Follow us on Twitter: @KHChildrensAid
For additional information contact:
Lynn Clark, Executive Assistant – KHCAS, T 705 743 9751 x1298