If you have concerns about a child please call 705.743.9751 or 1.800.661.2843

Kawartha Haliburton CAS

Safe Kids. Strong Families. Thriving Communities

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Children in Our Community Need You

And you continue to be there to help.

You send kids to camp.  You provide gifts at Christmas. You support educational bursaries.Woman and child playing with a dog on the steps of their house

But children need more. Children need the caring people in their community to welcome them into their homes as foster parents.

When children need a safe temporary home, foster parents are there for them so children can live close to family and friends, attend their school, and feel connected to the community they know and love. Without local foster parents, many children and youth are placed in foster homes outside of their community – leaving them far away from people they love and the familiar supports and resources they rely on. This has even greater impact for children and elevates traumatic experiences for children during a very difficult time in their life – when they most need a sense of belonging, close to the people they know and love.

In 2011/12 the Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society had 146 foster homes.  As of today, that number has declined to 80 homes.  This means that

two fathers having fun with their sons

of the 209 children and youth currently in our care, almost one quarter of the

m must reside in group or privately-operated paid foster care which is not associated with our organization.  We don’t think that is acceptable and neither should you. 46% of children in care of KHCAS are over the age of 12 years; yet 10% of the current foster homes can support youth and young adults.

Kawartha-Halliburton Children’s Aid Society is committed to ensuring children and youth who need to live temporarily in foster care can live with a family, while we work with their parents to reestablish a safe home environment for them to return home to.Please step forward today to show children
that you are there – and that you care for them.

To take the first step to become a foster parent and to show children that you care for them, call us today. 1.800.661.2843

Children and youth in your community are counting on it.

Jennifer Wilson

Executive Director

Kawartha-Halliburton Children’s Aid Society


We are proud members of the following organizations

  • Kawartha Haliburton CAS
  • Kawartha Haliburton CAS
  • Kawartha Haliburton CAS
  • Kawartha Haliburton CAS