April 25, 2016 – Kawartha-Haliburton CAS Welcomes Public to New Office
The Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society (KHCAS) is pleased to announce that effective January 18th, 2016 it has moved its Haliburton office to a new, improved location at 73 Victoria Street, Haliburton – the former Victoria Street School.
The move, which involved approximately 6 staff, will better serve the needs of children, youth and families in the Haliburton area and reinforces one of the Society’s key strategic goals of helping to build communities that thrive by encouraging collaboration and partnerships. The building, which is owned by Community Living Haliburton County (CLHC), also houses that agency’s administration and day programs as well as a privately-owned dance studio for children. Extensive renovations to improve accessibility and security of the facility have been completed by CLHC in order to ensure a welcoming and warm environment. Future updates will include the installation of a lift on the premises. The KHCAS office which is located on the main floor of the building, houses a secure space for staff, as well as a small meeting/lunch room. Private space for family access visits is also available at the new location. “We are excited by this move not only for the benefits it will undoubtedly bring to the families we serve, but also because it demonstrates a positive collaboration between community partners that will ultimately benefit the community of Haliburton. We look forward to welcoming the public to our new location”, said Jennifer Wilson, Executive Director of KHCAS. “When the board of CLHC started to dream about possibilities for the school property, one of those visions was a place for people to gather, for groups and agencies to come together and for people to be well served. This is part of a dream coming true”, added Teresa Jordan, Executive Director of CLHC. An Open House hosted by Community Living Haliburton County and the Kawartha-Haliburton CAS will take place on Friday, April 29 between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. at 73 Victoria Street, Haliburton. All are welcome to attend.
For more information please contact: Bonnie Perrigard, Communications Coordinator, 613-962-9291, ext. 2202 or 800-267-0570, ext. 2202.